Here we will let you know about the London prayer times. If you have been living in this city and all the time you get this problem that what are the prayer timings then you do not have to worry now. In this post, we will let you know about the detailed London prayer times, you can check out the details right from here. We all offer prayer (Salaat) which is a main and vital pillar of Islam. We perform prayer 5 times in a day, Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha. For London Islamic prayer timings, you can right away get the prayer times if you know how to set the latitude and longitude. It is also these conventions that can help you to know the prayer timings of your location, names of some famous conventions are:
  • Makkah: Umm al-Qura University, Makkah
  • Karachi: University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi
  • Egypt: Egyptian General Authority of Survey
  • MWL: Muslim World League
  • ISNA: Islamic Society of North America
  • Tehran: Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran
  • Jafari: Shia Ithna Ashari (Ja`fari)
Here we will also be telling you that what is the time zone of the London city and also what are the latitude and also the longitude information about this city so that you can estimate the London prayer timings of your own. Anyhow, we have also been sharing the table of these prayer timings; you can have a detailed look at it:
Standard Time Zone: (GMT+0 hours)
Country: United Kingdom
City: London
Daylight Saving Time (DST): +1 hour
DST Between: 26th March to 29th October

Geographic Coordinates Of London, UK
Latitude: 51.5072° N
Longitude: 0.1275° W

Coordinates Of London, UK in Decimal Degrees
Latitude: 51.50722
Longitude: -0.12750
So, this was all about the London prayer times. It is high time for all the London Muslims that they should now start offering their prayers right on time. If any of the Muslim also want to have the prayer timings of some other city then we will also let you know Just let us know that which one is that city for which you want the prayer timings. Start offering prayers now!
london prayer times

London Prayer Times

Method:   DST: 

Latitude:   Longitude:   Time Zone: 

<<June 2018>>
12:05 am4:49 am12:58 pm5:18 pm9:08 pm11:53 pm
22:02 am4:48 am12:59 pm5:19 pm9:09 pm11:57 pm
31:59 am4:48 am12:59 pm5:19 pm9:10 pm12:00 am
41:56 am4:47 am12:59 pm5:19 pm9:11 pm12:03 am
51:53 am4:46 am12:59 pm5:20 pm9:12 pm12:06 am
61:50 am4:46 am12:59 pm5:20 pm9:13 pm12:10 am
71:47 am4:45 am12:59 pm5:21 pm9:14 pm12:13 am
81:45 am4:45 am1:00 pm5:21 pm9:15 pm12:16 am
91:42 am4:44 am1:00 pm5:21 pm9:16 pm12:20 am
101:39 am4:44 am1:00 pm5:22 pm9:16 pm12:23 am
111:36 am4:44 am1:00 pm5:22 pm9:17 pm12:26 am
121:33 am4:43 am1:00 pm5:23 pm9:18 pm12:29 am
131:30 am4:43 am1:01 pm5:23 pm9:18 pm12:32 am
141:28 am4:43 am1:01 pm5:23 pm9:19 pm12:35 am
151:25 am4:43 am1:01 pm5:24 pm9:19 pm12:38 am
161:23 am4:43 am1:01 pm5:24 pm9:20 pm12:41 am
171:20 am4:43 am1:01 pm5:24 pm9:20 pm12:44 am
181:18 am4:43 am1:02 pm5:24 pm9:21 pm12:46 am
191:17 am4:43 am1:02 pm5:25 pm9:21 pm12:48 am
201:16 am4:43 am1:02 pm5:25 pm9:21 pm12:49 am
211:15 am4:43 am1:02 pm5:25 pm9:22 pm12:49 am
221:16 am4:43 am1:03 pm5:25 pm9:22 pm12:49 am
231:17 am4:44 am1:03 pm5:26 pm9:22 pm12:48 am
241:19 am4:44 am1:03 pm5:26 pm9:22 pm12:46 am
251:21 am4:44 am1:03 pm5:26 pm9:22 pm12:44 am
261:24 am4:45 am1:03 pm5:26 pm9:22 pm12:42 am
271:27 am4:45 am1:04 pm5:26 pm9:22 pm12:39 am
281:30 am4:46 am1:04 pm5:26 pm9:22 pm12:37 am
291:33 am4:46 am1:04 pm5:26 pm9:21 pm12:34 am
301:36 am4:47 am1:04 pm5:26 pm9:21 pm12:31 am
Time Format: 12-hour

Asr Methods
Standard: Shafii, Maliki, Jafari and Hanbali (shadow factor = 1)
Hanafi: Hanafi school of tought (shadow factor = 2)
London, UK Qiblah Direction
Qiblah direction of London, UK is  119.018953 degrees from North clockwise.